Musée d’Ixelles   

Rue Jean Van Volsem 71 – 1050 Brussels

Untitled, monogrammed lower left “Σ 62”
On the back “Σ 62 N° 19”
Oil on canvas 146 x 114 cm
Mrs Lucie de Borchgrave’s donation (June 1994)
Ixelles Museum photography
Exhibition “Elie Borgrave, l’équilibre des contraires” Ixelles Museum (06.15-09.24.2017)
Book “Elie Borgrave” 2017, p.82, 83, 84 et 85  Editions Snoeck, Gent, Belgium
Coll. Ixelles Museum Inv. n°CC 3556

Personal exhibition :
“Elie Borgrave, l’équilibre des Contraires” (The Opposites balance)
from june 15th to september 24th, 2017

Museum van Schone Kunsten of Oostende

Romestraat 11 – 8400 Oostende

Trois pôles en bleu” monogrammed lower right “Σ 66”     
Oil on canvas 100 x 81 cm
Reproduced in Willem Enzinck’s book “Elie Borgrave” Fig. n°41 (Editions Arts et Voyages 1969)
Reproduced in book “Elie Borgrave”, Editions Snoeck, Gent, Belgium, p.96 and 97, 2017
Photo Steven Decroos,
Collection Mu.ZEE Oostende, Belgium

Musée de Louvain-la-Neuve

Place des Sciences, 3 | 1348 Ottignies-Louvain-La-Neuve

Oil on canvas 120,5 x 100 cm
Lower right monogrammed “Σ 74”
Serge Goyens de Heusch donation
Inventory n° AM2126
Collection Louvain-la-Neuve Museum

Oil on canvas 160 x 115 cm
Lower right monogrammed “Σ 60” 
“Elie Borgrave” p.61, 2017, Editions Snoeck, Gent, Belgium
Serge Goyens de Heusch donation
Inventory n° AM155
Collection Louvain-la-Neuve Museum

Serge Goyens de Heusch, born in 1939 in Brussels, graduated from the Higher Institute of Art and Archeology at the University of Louvain la Neuve. From 1970 to 1984, he directed the Brussels Armorial Gallery with more than 200 exhibitions. Through his foundation for contemporary Belgian art, founded in 1981, he was one of the main promoters of contemporary art in Belgium for 45 years.
In 1986, 2004, 2005 and 2008, he donated hundreds of works to the Louvain-la-Neuve University Museum. This donation is considered a “key moment in the history of the Louvain-la-Neuve Museum”.

Belfius Art Gallery

32nd floor Belfius Tower | Place Rogier, Brussels

Lower right monogrammed “Σ 67” 
Acrylic on cardboard 61 x 46 cm
Belfius Art collection Inv. 1481

Belfius Art Collection results from the merger of the art collections of 3 entities :

1.Credit Communal of Belgium,

2.Bacob Bank,

3.Bank Paribas Belgium 1997.

Bacob Bank took a majority stake in the capital of Paribas Belgium.
The Paribas art collection joined the Bacob collection.
The new entity took the name of Artesia.
2002 Dexia (former Crédit Communal) acquired Artesia

2015 Collection Dexia became Belfius Art collection


Deposit by the CNAP (Centre National d’Art Contemporain) at Audincourt City Hall  (25400 Doubs)  since 09.07.1977

Purchase from the artist in 1961 following the exhibition at Galerie Synthèse in Paris by the Modern Art Museum (MAM) which became the CNAP (Centre National des Arts Plastiques). This center manages the use of paintings bought by France and places them in public places.

Audincourt City Hall (25400 Doubs) France

“Composition n°8” lower right monogrammed “Σ 60”
Oil on canvas 130 x 97 cm
CNAP : Inv. FNAC 27576
Reproduced in Willem Enzinck’s book “Elie Borgrave” Fig. n° 9, p19 (Editions Arts & Voyages 1969)
Reproduced in “Elie Borgrave” p.63 Editions Snoeck, Gent, Belgium 2017
Droits réservés/Cnap/photo : Michel Alain

Deposit by the CNAP (Centre National d’Art Contemporain) at VNF (Voies Navigables de France) in Béthune

“Chant Magnétique”

Lower right monogrammed “Σ 70”
On the back “N°1”
Oil on paper on isorel 140 x 100 cm

CNAP : Inv. Fnac 30652
Purchase from the artist in 1971 by French State
Reproduced in “Elie Borgrave” Editions Snoeck, Gent, Belgium, 2017

Droits réservés/Cnap/photo : Jacqueline Hyde

VNF Voies Navigables de France in Béthune, France.


Université hébraïque de Jérusalem Fabiola’s Belgian House